Inspecting Objects: Simple Trick


How often have you felt the need to display a PHP Object in a readable manner? We are all very familiar with the use of the print_r() function. However, print_r() gives a difficult to read output and we end up matching braces to figure out the exact structure of complex objects. Here is a small trick which you can use to see the print_r() output in a 'Display for Humans' format.

echo '<pre>';
echo '</pre>';

Let's see an example(borrowed from


Creating a Drupal 7 Node Programmatically

* Basic Node Creation Example for Drupal 7
* This example:
* - Assumes a standard Drupal 7 installation
* - Does not verify that the field values are correct
$body_text = 'This is the body text I want entered with the node.';

$node = new stdClass();
$node->type = 'article';
node_object_prepare($node); //Creates default settings for the node of a type
$node->title = 'Node Created Programmatically on ' . date('c');
$node->language = LANGUAGE_NONE; //String constant value for "und"

/* If u have body text do the following below

Add Sites to search in Apache Multicore Configurations

Solr is the popular, blazing fast open source enterprise search platform from the Apache Lucene project. Its major features include powerful full-text search, hit highlighting, faceted search, dynamic clustering, database integration, rich document (e.g., Word, PDF) handling, and geospatial search. Solr is highly scalable, providing distributed search and index replication, and it powers the search and navigation features of many of the world's largest internet sites.

Dates using PHP


Time and again date parsing issue comes up and I find myself looking all over the net for finding ways to do the same. This post is created to compile all such ways as I encounter:

Parsing Dates

If your date format is: yyyy-mm-dd, you can simply use strtotime and date function to get the desired date format

$data[] = date( 'd-m-Y', strtotime('2012-03-21')); //get the format as 21-03-2012

Get Dates Using Strotime
strtotime can recognize certain keywords.
echo strtotime('now');
echo strtotime('+4 days');

Extract Result Data From Drupal View


The code to do the trick is provided below:

= views_get_view('view_name');
$view->set_display('default'); // or display id like page_1, block_1
    //$view->set_arguments(array(arg(0),'arg_data2'));  // 2nd  Argument
drupal_set_message("Field data value: ".$view->result[0]->node_data_field_as_it_appears_in_views_query_sql);

Update for Drupal 7:


How to check if an image is present in the site or not


You might want to display an image if the image is present or a template image if it does not exist. There are various ways of doing the same from client side using JavaScript or from server end.

The below example provides another way to check if the image file exists, if so display the image in HTML generated or display the template HTML in Drupal
$image_url= " < img src=".$base_url."/".$relative_file_path_in_server.">";

Understanding Server Bottlenecks


If the server becomes slow or unresponsive, execute the top command.
The first thing to look is the load average.
The load average typically looks like this: load average: 0.49, 0.41, 0.35 . The first number represents the server load average currently, the 2nd number for load average 5 minutes ago and 3rd number for 15 minutes ago. if you have 1 CPU and the load average is 1, it means that the server has been busy constantly. Four 4 core machine if the average is 4, then all cores are busy.

Apache Benchmarking


Apache benchmarking is a tool used for benchmarking apache based websites.

The syntax for anonymous users:
ab -c no_of_concurrent_users -n no_of_requests_per_user URL

To capture the benchmarking information for authenticated users, we need to capture the cookie information for any authenticated user from the browser and provide it in a name=pair cookie value in the command

ab -c no_of_concurrent_users -n no_of_requests_per_user -C cookie_name=cookie_value URL

The data we are interested in looking for benchmarking is:

PHP Tuning


For development site Change the php.ini file setting for apache:
display_errors=On so that PHP errors can be known
and change the setting
error_report = E_ALL && ~E_NOTICE (Report all errors except notice type)