Dates using PHP

Time and again date parsing issue comes up and I find myself looking all over the net for finding ways to do the same. This post is created to compile all such ways as I encounter:

Parsing Dates

If your date format is: yyyy-mm-dd, you can simply use strtotime and date function to get the desired date format

$data[] = date( 'd-m-Y', strtotime('2012-03-21')); //get the format as 21-03-2012

Get Dates Using Strotime
strtotime can recognize certain keywords.

echo strtotime('now');
strtotime('+4 days');
strtotime('+1 month');
strtotime('next monday');
strtotime('+2 weeks 3 days 4 hours 23 minutes');

Compare Dates:

// your first date coming from a mysql database (date fields)
$dateA = '2008-03-01 13:34';
// your second date coming from a mysql database (date fields)
$dateB = '2007-04-14 15:23';
strtotime($dateA) > strtotime($dateB)){
// bla bla

Get First and Last Date of a Month:

= date('Y-m-01'); //First Date of The Current Month
$last_date_curr = date('Y-m-t'); //Last Date of The Current Month

$first_date_prev = date('Y-m-01', strtotime('-1 month')); //First Date of the Previous Month
$last_date_prev = date('Y-m-t', strtotime('-1 month')); //Last Date of the Previous Month

