Apache Benchmarking

Apache benchmarking is a tool used for benchmarking apache based websites.

The syntax for anonymous users:
ab -c no_of_concurrent_users -n no_of_requests_per_user URL

To capture the benchmarking information for authenticated users, we need to capture the cookie information for any authenticated user from the browser and provide it in a name=pair cookie value in the command

ab -c no_of_concurrent_users -n no_of_requests_per_user -C cookie_name=cookie_value URL

The data we are interested in looking for benchmarking is:
Requests per second , which is the number of requests the site was able to cater to (For both authenticated as well as anonymous users). This data for recently created site will result in the initial benchmark for the server. The benchmarking difference can be captured after making tweaks or tuning later
