jQuery Mobile Page Load Issue


Sometimes when we visit a link, specially on mobile, there is a situation when we place a link and reaching a page clicking that link leads to a situation where the jQuery library is not loaded into the browser. This could affect conditional fields and other jQuery widgets.

The solution is to add  rel="external" to the link.


Using Drush Alias

drush aliases allow you to run a drush commands on your local server but actually execute the command on a remote server.

One can create aliases in a folder that drush recognizes, mostly inside the .drush folder for Linux Based Systems. For a mysite example, we can create a file called as mysite.aliases.drushrc.php inside the .drush folder (Or any folder which Drush goes through before executing). All aliases in a site can also be combined in a single file called as aliases.drushrc.php

Example data that can be added to mysite.aliases.drushrc.php


Drupal Custom Flag Operations


Create a flag link for a user:

print flag_create_link('user_flagname', $user_uid);

Get Flag of a Type and see if it is flagged for a node and not the number of times it got flagged.

= flag_get_flag('bookmarks') or die('no "bookmarks" flag defined');
if (
$flag->is_flagged($node->nid)) {
"This node is bookmarked!";
"The number of people who voted for this proposal:";
$flag->get_count($node->nid);  //

Flagging or Unflagging an item:
You use the $flag->flag() method to either flag or unflag an item. Example:


How to Modify Output of a View

Using views_pre_render hook one can alter the output of a view

* Implements hook_views_pre_render().
function jicustom_views_pre_render(&$view) {
$results = $view->result;
foreach ($results as $key => $result) {
$collection_name = $result->field_collection_item_field_name;
if($collection_name == 'field_transaction_items_outgoing'){
//Modify output
$results[$key]->field_field_trans_item_quantity[0]['rendered']['#markup'] = -($result->field_field_trans_item_quantity[0]['raw']['value']);

Validating CCK Form Fields


Custom validations with form error set on CCK may require custom coding. This is one such exercise for both Drupal 6 and Drupal 7.

Drupal 6

* Validations for Employee Leave

function custom_nodeapi(&$node, $op, $a3 = NULL, $a4 = NULL) {
  if (
$op == 'validate' && $node->type == 'lms') {
$start_date =$node->field_lms_start_date[0]['value'];
$end_date =$node->field_lms_end_date[0]['value'];
$start_date > $end_date){
form_set_error('field_lms_start_date', 'Start Date of Leave Should be less than End Date of Leave');

Site Benchmarking and Performance Improvement

Improving Site Performance:
1. Disable all caching in the site and do benchmark for anon user
2. Benchmark for auth user for a particular page
3. Check logs to see if any notice or error is happening in the site. Solve the issue and notice BM
4. Disable unwanted modules if any and do another benchmark. Note the diff.
5. Modify or update apache or mysql setting minor if any to see noticiable change in benchmark
6. Optimize PHP and see if noticeable difference occurs
7. Install Devel and check queries and page rendering times

Programmatically creating/deleting/modifying field-collection

Enough Said , visit the link: http://rajanmayekar.com/blog/programmatically-creating-deleting-modifyin...

One change wrt to deleting Field Collections is as follows:

= node_load($node_id);
$field_collection_item_value = array();
foreach (
$node->field_collection_field[LANGUAGE_NONE] as $key => $value) {
$field_collection_item_value[] = $value['value'];
entity_delete_multiple('field_collection_item', array($field_collection_item_value));