Server Certification


Checking Passphrase for private key:  openssl rsa -check -in keyfilename
Changing Passphrase: openssl rsa -des3 -in keyfilename -out newkeyfilename

Installing or trusting certificates:
Extensions .crt, .pem and .cer are interchangeable, just change the file name extension, they have the same form. Try this:

sudo cp mycert.cer /usr/share/ca-certificates/mycert.pem
sudo dpkg-reconfigure ca-certificates
sudo update-ca-certificates

Getting the RSA public and private key from conf file.

Actions in Views Bulk Operations

Views Bulk Operations come handy when doing bulk operations over a selected list. This is great because it combines the power of views to filter the selection and specific actions to do on each selected entity. For Ex: Updating some field in the record, deleting selected entity and so on.

Views also provide an easier way to define your own set of custom functions to perform on each selected row of entities.

First, we need to define an action :

Troubleshooting: Node Reference field always displaying 10 results when using the Advanced View option in Drupal 6

This problem particularly occurs when the views is upgraded to 3.x in Drupal 6. The nodereference field which gets list data from a view returns only 10 results irrespective of whatever is set on the views page.

There is an easy solution to alter by modifying the items_set_per_page using views hooks.