Executing Views Bulk Operations Using Drush

Many times we use Views Buk Operations with Batch Api for doing a big set of operations. When the count of operations is huge, even Batch API gets short. A faster and more efficient way to do that is using drush to do the heavy backlifting.

The commands are:

vbo-execute      Execute a bulk operation based on a Views Bulk Operations (VBO) view.                                                   
vbo-list             List all Views Bulk Operations (VBO) views, along with the operations associated with each.


drush vbo-execute admin_content  node_publish_action  ---  Publish nodes returned by view admin_content. 
drush  vbo-execute  view_name  views_bulk_operations_delete_node_action   --- Delete nodes in a view
drush vbo-execute admin_content  node_unpublish_action input:type=expense  argument:3    -- Unpublish nodes returned by view admin_content, filtering results of type expense and passing value 3 as first view argument.

Note: The name of the operation can be easily found when selecting the operation in the Views UI for VBO
The Arguments to be supplied to vbo-execute:

vid                                       ID or name of the view to be executed.                           
operation                                 Callback name of the operation to be applied on the view results.
input:name=value ...                      Parameter to be passed as view input filter.                     
operation:name=value ...                  Parameter to be passed as operation argument.                    
argument:value ...                        Parameter to be passed as view argument.

Source: Drush commands