Useful Drush Commands

Log out all active Users:

drush sql-query 'TRUNCATE TABLE sessions;'

Download drupal and rename:
Downloads and renames to web

drush dl drupal --drupal-project-rename=web -y

Install Drupal database:
Installs drupal when executed inside the drupal folder.

drush site-install --db-url=mysql://dbuser:dbpass@localhost/dbname --account-name=admin --account-pass=secret -y

Install Specific version of drupal module:
Select a version of the module to install. Useful when installing older versions
--select allows for selection
--all lists all versions instead of recent ones.

drush pm-download modulename --select --all

Locking a module so that it does not get updated with drush update:
here are a number of reasons why you might not want to update some module on your site; a module will change in a way that you don't like.
The lock is persistent; you will not be able to update the locked module unless you unlock it with --unlock=module_name or --unlock=all

drush pm-updatecode --lock=modulename

Drupal 8 Enable and Set Default a theme called atlas:

drush config-set system.theme default atlas

Backup databases and zip it to a location

drush sql-dump --gzip --result-file=/pathtofile/databasefilename.sql

Delete Shortcut Entity Links

drush ev '\Drupal::entityTypeManager()->getStorage("shortcut_set")->load("default")->delete();'

Definitive Guide to Drupal
