Handy Linux Commands

Split: Split a text file in half (or any percentage) on Ubuntu Linux

The following command splits access.log files into multiple files with 6000 lines each

split -l 6000 access.log

Split files into size of 5M each

split --bytes 5M --numeric-suffixes --suffix-length=3 foo.mysql  last_part.mysql

Diff : Get Difference between files and folders
Following command provides recursive difference

diff -r dir1/  dir2/

Sed: To delete lines matching a string in a file

sed --in-place '/url_alias/d' some_db.mysql

Deletes all lines matching url_alias string in some_db.mysql file

Replace strings in file with another:

sed -i 's/old-word/new-word/g' *.txt

Replaces old-word with new-word with all txt extension files in the directory. i is for ignore case.

Grep: Used for string search across files in directories. The following handy command searches for specific string in a specified file recursively in the location provided.

grep -rn search_string -A 1 -B 3 --include=settings.php /srv/www/

where location to recursively search is /srv/www/ and the string is searched only on a specific file settings.php. Also the option -A 1 specifies to print one line above the line where the string is found in the file and -B 3 specifies printing 3 lines below the searched string line.

Additionally grep comand can be combined with the find command as follows

find /srv/www/ -name settings.php -exec grep -n -A 1 -B 3 -H search_string {} \;

du: Disk Usage
Display the disk usage for all one level of directories

du -h --max-depth=1

