Displaying Graph Using HighCharts

HighCharts is a charting library tool made freely available for non commercial usage. Drupal HighCharts 2.x has no other module dependency except that HighCharts library needs to be downloaded from here. There are a huge variety of options made available in HighCharts API which can be used for manipulation and for additional info.

The example below is a Line Chart uses Drupal HighCharts version 2.x

/* Render Line Charts using Drupal Highcharts 2.x */
function jicustom_chart_render($chart_arr){

$options = new stdClass();

// Diable credits.
$options->credits->enabled = FALSE;

// Chart.
$options->chart = (object)array(
'renderTo' => 'container',
'type' => 'line',

$options->yAxis->title->text = "Y-axis Label";
$options->xAxis->title->text = "X Axis Label Here" ;

//Configurable depending on the range for Y axis. If left blank, it gets auto-calculated

// Title.
$options->title->text = t('Chart Header Title');
$options->title->x = -20;
$options->subtitle->text = t('Additional Info Here');
$options->subtitle->x = -20;

// Tooltip.
  // On hovering over a point in the line chart, this tool tip gets displayed
$options->tooltip->formatter = "function() {return '<b>'+ this.series.name +'</b>: X axis data: '+ this.x +', Y-axis data: '+ this.y;}";

$options->legend= (object)array(
'layout' => 'vertical',
'align' => 'right',
'verticalAlign' => 'top',
'x' => -10,
'y' => 100,
'borderWidth' => 0

$options->series = array();
$series = new StdClass();
$series->type = 'line';
$series->name = 'Series Name'; // One can add multiple series for selection as well
$series->data = array();

  foreach (
$chart_arr as $key => $value) {
$series->data[] = array($key, $value));
$options->series[] = $series;
$series = NULL;
  if (
is_object($options)) {
// Optionally add styles or any other valid attributes, suitable for
    // drupal_attributes().
$attributes = array('style' => array('height: 600px;'));
highcharts_render($options, $attributes); //Main Function that does rendering of the graph

Line Charts: http://docs.highcharts.com/#line-chart